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Motivational Mondays: Conversations with Leaders

Mar 1, 2021

As a behavioral scientist with two doctorates, Dr. Kozhi trains individuals and teams to push beyond simply “showing up” at work, and instead to actually thrive in their jobs and in their lives. 

In this finale of our 2-part special, we focus on leadership at work. 

You’ll learn the traits you need to be an effective leader; Why “employability skills” beat “technical skills” any day; and how college students can find their next mentor.


>>> Get Kozhi’s new book “Disrupted! Resiliently Reintegrating After Stress & Adversity” {}

>>> Connect with Kozhi on LinkedIn {}, Facebook {}, or YouTube {}



In the bonus episode, you’ll learn how one moment changed the course of Kozhi’s career, why being “flawsome” makes us human and why perfection is not the goal. {}