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Motivational Mondays: Conversations with Leaders

Apr 24, 2023

Darleen “Coach Dar” Santore is a licensed and board-certified occupational therapist. She’s also the former Phoenix Suns mental-skills coach, and a leadership and mental-edge coach to athletes and business leaders worldwide.

Her highly-anticipated book, The Art of Bouncing Back: Find Your Flow to Thrive at Work...

Apr 17, 2023

Tom D’Eri is the co-founder and COO of Rising Tide Car Wash, an organization that employs over 90 individuals with autism in a successful business. He’s also the author of The Power of Potential. (

Tom’s brother has autism so his family wanted to find a way to help him live a capable life...

Apr 10, 2023

Philip (Phil) Wilkerson is an Employer Engagement Consultant at GMU Career Services. He serves as a liaison between employers and the GMU community to help the school match students with well-aligned internships and job opportunities.

Phil grew up in Northern Virginia and graduated from James Madison University. Some...

Apr 3, 2023

Pashtana Durrani is an Afghan human rights activist and community development expert focusing on female education. She's the founder of LEARN Afghan, a grassroots organization established to safely and securely educate girls through a distributed network of tablets using an offline platform. 

One of the reasons...